Photo Courtesy of Heather Rotter Photography
Stay Tuned for
Spring of 2025
How Does a Jog-a-Thon Work?
Jog-a-thon Packet
Each student should have received a JOG-A-THON Packet in Thursday folders (copies of documents are in the links to the right). The packet includes an information letter, business sponsor form, and a Pledge Card.
Students are encouraged to find sponsors that want to support them by either pledging a flat amount donation or by pledging a per lap donation.
Pledges can be made by cash, check or online.
We are using 99Pledges, a fundraising platform, for online pledges/donations. Each student will create their own pledge page for collecting online pledges.
To add your child as a participant, please follow these 3 easy steps:
1. Go to this link - https://app.99pledges.com/fund/desvpojog24/addme
2. Enter your child’s name, enter your email, and select the group your child belongs to. (It will still work if you do not add an email address, you just will NOT be able to upload a photo to your child’s page.)
3. Click “Add” > this will take you to your newly created pledge page!
Please support your student's endeavors in finding sponsors and collecting pledges. Some ideas for sponsors are family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.​ Some employers have matching gift programs.
We are also looking for business sponsors! There are several sponsorship levels and students can earn prizes for bringing in a business sponsor! See Business Sponsorship forms in the links to the right.
NEW THIS YEAR: Discovery Running Club!
Leading up to Jog-a-Thon, students can practice by running laps at recess as part of our new Discovery Running Club (Wednesdays at recess from April -May). This is a fun, free, voluntary program for all students! Kids that participate can earn fun prizes (separate from the Jog-a-thon prizes)! Parents are welcome to join us as a volunteer by signing up: https://tinyurl.com/cz7f6w4z
We will mark a track out on the Discovery Playground field. The track will be approximately 1/10 of a mile.
Before classes go to the tracks to start their Jog-a-thon, they will have a 5-10 minute warm-up session.
After the warm-up, the students go to the track for their Jog-a-thon session. TK, K, 1st and 2nd grades will have a 20 minute session. Grades 3rd, 4th and 5th will have a 25 minute session. During their session, students will complete as many laps as they can either walking, jogging or running.
Students will have lap sticker that will be marked with each lap they complete, so they can keep track of their final number of laps.
​​The students will let their sponsors know how many laps they completed and how awesome they did! Please let donors know how much you appreciate their support with a call, email or thank you note.
Students collect any donations from sponsors that are cash or check, and remind sponsors of the special pledge page link if they want to make an online donation.
Filled out Pledge Cards with all donations and any cash/check donations should be turned into the student's teacher by May 17th.
Prizes will be disseminated in June.
If we collect at least $10,000 in donations, we will have a school-wide COLOR RUN in June!!​​
Jog-a-thon Cover Letter & Pledge Page Instructions
Jog-a-thon Pledge Card
Business Sponsor Form
Jog-a-thon Schedule
Schedule and Volunteer Signup is here!
Important Dates
April - May
Students Find Sponsors
April - May
Discovery Running Club
(Wednesdays at Lunch Recess)
Jog-a-thon Day!!​​
Collection Week
Business Sponsorships Due
June 18th
SCHOOL-WIDE PRIZE: If we raise at least $10,000 in donations, we will have a Color Run in June!
Every student that has turned in at least $50 in donations will receive a special Color Run t-shirt to be worn on the day of the run. (Students who bring in a Business Sponsor will automatically qualify for this prize.)
Sibling discount! If you have multiple children at Discovery, each additional child only needs to bring in $25 each to qualify for the shirt prize level! Email sibling info (names, grades, teachers) to president@discoveryvpo.org.​
All students bringing in a sponsor will be placed in a drawing to win their choice of a $50 Target or Amazon gift card.
The student who brings in the MOST donations (sponsorships NOT included) will receive their choice of a $50 Target or Amazon gift card.
The top 10 earners in the school will get to throw the first chalk at our Color Run!
CLASS PRIZE: We’re having class competitions!
We have grouped the classes as follows:
The class in each group that raises the most in donations per capita will earn their choice of a popcorn, pizza, or ice cream party!