What is a VPO?
As a parent, grandparent or guardian of a student at Discovery Elementary, you are automatically a member of the Volunteer Parent Organization (VPO). There are no dues.
The purpose of the Discovery VPO is to improve our child’s experience at school by providing volunteer help, serving as a liaison between the school, parents, and the community and raising necessary funds for materials or services that benefit the students and school. There are many opportunities for you to get involved. You may want to assist the teacher in the classroom, be a room parent, or volunteer to be on or chair a VPO committee.
Volunteers are what make our school events a success! Information regarding specific areas where volunteers are needed will be provided at our monthly VPO meetings, at the VPO table in the entry, or be sent home in your student’s Thursday folder.
The money raised by the VPO is used to purchase many things including, but certainly not limited to; accelerated reading books, software, playground equipment, library books, field day and we also provide teacher classroom funds.
We encourage you to attend the monthly meetings, which provide you with information regarding upcoming activities, classroom needs, and volunteer opportunities. The meetings are also a time for you to express your opinion of the current issues surrounding our school and vote on how monies are spent. We have a parent representative who attends monthly meetings at the district office and reports on what is taking place around the entire district. Discovery Elementary School’s principal, Delonna Halliday, attends and speaks to many issues surrounding the school. We welcome and encourage all of you to attend and participate in these fun, informational and important meetings.
“No one can do everything but everyone can do something!”